Learn Face Reading & how to read a person from a Photo *Psychic techniques*
The most unforgettable and unique feature of a human is his/her face. As long as you can see it, you can read it. Yes, it is as simple as that. Learn the art of face reading & how to read a person from a Photo via our 2-day workshop, 10 hours.
Do bring along a few of your personal items for the workshop (i.e. A ring, a pair of earrings, coins), your writing materials, a small crystal, and some photos of the person that you can learn to read about them. Photos in your mobile phones, Facebook or any online media may be used for readings.
Please note, this is not learning the art of Chinese face reading or personality profiling, Personology or Physiognomy is way beyond all that!
What you will learn during the 2-days course:
a) Meditation & Visualization - Development of spiritual vision, imagery, and inner senses
b) Photograph Reading - Gaining information through photographs
c) Pranic Breathing – Using the breath to access and direct spiritual energy
d) Psychic Reading – Reliably expressing your psychic gifts & abilities
e) Psychic Sensitivity – Seeing, Feeling, Hearing, Knowing, Expressing
What are Empathic Psychic Abilities?
Clairsentience, or "clear feeling" is a psychic ability that allows a person to sense, or feel psychic energies. Clairsentient psychics have a highly-developed psychic intuition.
Clairsentience is often associated with empathic psychics, known as "empaths". Empaths are able to sense what other people are feeling by only using their minds.
Learning how to develop empathic abilities is a very rare skill, and not many teachers are able to teach and explain how this ability and techniques work.
Characteristics of an Empath
Extreme sensitivity to the feelings of others
An acute awareness of their surroundings
In-depth understanding of body language
Strong knowledge of human emotions
The ability to feel deeper than others
Feel or tap the aura of a person, animal, place, or an object
What the above exercises can do:
They are *very* important exercises. When mastered, they will give you skills to:
Read any person as well as from a Photo
Fix electrical equipment and appliances- you can find the problem by merging with the item.
Pull thoughts out of the minds of others and obtain information
Detect health issues in humans and animals
Scan a space for negative or positive energy and many more
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.